by Mitch Haden | Jul 6, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
Record $7.4 million in unclaimed property paid out FollowFollow The Unclaimed Property Division of the Wyoming State Treasurer’s Office paid more than $7.4 million in claims for the fiscal year that ended June 30. The largest claim for the year exceeded...
by Mitch Haden | Jul 1, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
Wyoming fund considered #1 in the United States FollowFollow Wyoming’s Permanent Mineral Trust Fund rated as the #1 sovereign wealth fund in the United States and #3 in the world, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. To read full...
by Mitch Haden | Jun 24, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
State Building Commission Meeting on July 14 FollowFollow The State Treasurer serves on the Wyoming State Building Commission (SBC), which is composed of the state’s five elected officials: the Governor, who chairs the Commission, the Secretary of State, the...
by Mitch Haden | Jun 17, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
Sweetwater County residents owed more than $7 million FollowFollow State holding nearly $7.2 million belonging to Sweetwater County residents CHEYENNE – The state of Wyoming is holding over $94 million belonging to current and formerresidents of Wyoming – including...
by wyomingstatetr | Jun 2, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
Unclaimed Property payments for month of May exceed $400,000 FollowFollow State has paid out more than $6.36 million so far this fiscal year CHEYENNE – Wyoming’s Unclaimed Property Division of the State Treasurer’s Office issued 389 checks totaling $411,820 for the...
by wyomingstatetr | May 12, 2021 | Financial Accounting, Investment, Treasurer's Office, Unclaimed Property
Unclaimed Property payments for month of April exceed $875,000 FollowFollow State still holding more than $94 million for current and former Wyoming residents CHEYENNE – Wyoming’s Unclaimed Property Division of the State Treasurer’s Office issued 392 checks totaling...